
Jeez...not another posting,huh J?

--I'm pleased that I can heed maturity in my life. I had been in a disheveled state of mind for a very long,uncomfortable time and thankfully..I'm at a place where I'm comfortable and actually enjoying where I am..i.e. spiritually,mentally,physically..(jeez).

--My body is in an amazing condition..beautifully sculptured due to the hectic workout regime,I've been getting into. I'm sitting here in a state of inexplicable complacency. I was apprehensive to use that particular term but,I'm fine with it. I left thinking that my blogging was done..but,I was called back to the desk. Ok..I'm gorgeous. I don't have the best attitude..I don't really tend to the nonsense that people have spoken about me. I'm constantly ensconced with threads,which I define my personal sense of style..without consent of anything or anyone.

--I'm the outlandish exponent. Brilliant in my own right..and many of yours. The independent variable. Most importantly,single. And,the happiest,I've been..I've reached an optimism,that I'd been lacking..I'm loving the change in my state of being. Once you become content with your life..where it is..and realizing that the uncomfortable states are often just "processes".

--I've spoken relentlessly on the building of relationships with certain people,thinking that something would come out of it..recent times, I've attempted to indulge in a certain someone..and I continue to get the run around. Now that I'm bringing this mild "verse/chapter" to an end,I'm comfortable enough to say..regardless of what the nigga tells you,you have to clearly understand that these cats are full of shit..and that comes from the guy who holds the worst judgement of men. Lol. When I'm actually willing to give myself to someone they always give you this run around. I've always felt as though I am simply that "bitch you wine & dine".

--So,when I arrive in New York,I'll be free. Free to date..if I would like to date..free to do what I want. My focus is mainly working,getting paid and just getting further in my career.

--Coming with? You know,I'll be celebrating two years of fabulous "singledom"..and why not bring that celebration to New York? It's crazy. No more DJ..R...Shawn..Derrick..noone. Although, I do sometimes wish I would be brought back to the arms of JC..I won't front,lol. I do. But, you know,I've got me..and it's beautiful.
--I'm losing friends and alienating people..and it's never been so beautiful. I'm disassociating myself from "yes" people..strengthening my focus. Because to have my vision..share my vision..and stick with my vision is mainly the zenith of my life's endeavors. In recent cases,I've realized that I'm a loner. It can be uncomfortable at times,but it comes with being soo protective and eerie about who and what should be in my surroundings..social circle..etc..because it's the people you associate yourself with that defines where you're going and how you'll get there.
--In the case of my return,I'll be able to ignore the naysayers and defy the avarice to receive others approvals. It's inevitable..arriving in a new place..surrounded by new people..but, we live and learn,that's the blessing about having life. Me being in a state of uncomfortable misery or what I modified as such was only a test..and that particular tests are presented to me from God to see if I actually believe in myself. Will I stay focused? I was deprived of my vision being fulfilled at first and I sort of gave up..but,this time around..I'll do whatever it takes to stay focused and keeping those around me focused. I'm eradicating the pollution we call "Negativity",I truly am,because it was the negative atmosphere that polluted the purity of my mind & body. It's an inevitable part of being. Learning to not worry so much,which is also an inevitability..be it I'm a Virgo and that's what we do..we're natural worriers..(how unfortunate?) Maybe I should invest in an evil eye bracelet or necklace,right? I have to get my shit in order,this time around..and more than ever,I'll be stronger..more brilliant..and more receptive to everything around me. Because where I am is where I'll be..if I don't change my thinking pattern...which provokes a similar behavior pattern..and behavior patterns produce similar actions..and that's not what I'm about,any longer. I'm inspired. I'm constantly reminded even more so now..that regardless of what position I hold,I'm going to be defined by those I surround myself with. I want to be around people who see the world as I see it..
"if you choose to be around spiritual,hardworking,giving people..you'll be a spiritual,hardworking person who's always receiving gifts.."
-Russell Simmons

I'm changing. Growing. Propelling.
Coming with?

Hey,self? We're always on display..let's run & hide.

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