
Countdown.Celebrate.Opportunity. Change.

Beautiful,isn't it?
It's a brand new day,11:59p on December 31st marked a new year..January 15th marks the inauguration of a new president by the name of Barack Obama...are we prepared for change?

Ladies and Gentleman,we have an African American family in the White House! Can we say "Change"? Not to focus solely on race because in my world,truthfully,race doesn't really exist,but I am proud of him. Very proud,indeed. Let's shed some light on Michelle,who has now shed light on what else is out there other than these ghetto,groupie ass black chicks.
-Oh,look! There are lots of professional black women,too! Dear Goodness! I hate the stereotypes and the preconception that shackle these women. Thank goodness for change.

We are all awakening,as a union. I don't desire to surround myself with close-minded people that tend to think the other race is out to get them..that's foolery. And,fumigating the world with such is a greater form of blasphemy. I'd rather surround myself with folks that see the world in shades of grey. Period. No black,no white.
Times are indubitably changing.
Two thousand nine brings new views,profound lessons and less boundaries than ever faced. We are setting notions aside because of the change we taste and feel. Savoring every little morsel of beauty in this world we live in.
It's beautiful isn't it?
The anticipation of 2009,makes me consider new moves..new choices.
Should I return to the familiar New York? Or should I consider San Fran? A change in location? Why,not?
Desire for education? Definitely.

January is here. 2009 is here.. We have to get a move on!

It's beautiful,isn't it?

Onward & Upward.

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