
What a day,What a day...

--->Today has been a very difficult day for me. Really,it has..my great-grandmother,who we call "Big Mama" came home from the hospital on yesterday. She experienced a minor heart attack and multiple strokes, on last Monday and now she's back home..and if I may be so blunt,she looks miserable. I wish I knew what she was thinking. She's 90 yrs old,she so used to doing her own thing-now and now everyone wants a say in what he does,what she eats, how she should lay..I was worn out. To the point where,I started to scream at everyone,because everyone wants to help but,noone knows what to do. I went through the same shit with my other great grandmother,you know? So,I think,I know the proper way to do things. I was utterly disgusted with everyone..especially,my drunk ignorant Uncle. Everyone has one of those guys. They want to help but,they're in the way..you know? That sort of thing.

My eyes are welling up.
This is going to be strange for me,because she's my diva,you know? She's always praising me for being myself. She saw me the day before the heart attack and told me,"Jerime,I love your hair. It looks really good on you", then, she compliments my nails,"Is that Jerime,bringing the sunshine in here with those nails?" My nails were painted yellow..so,she thought it was comical,but she really loved it. We laughed and smiled. She acknowledges me as "my Handsome",I acknowledge her as "Diva"...

You guys,I know,I'm rambling..she's had a magnificent life. And,I mean magnificent!

It's just difficult for me to see her this way...that's all.
Forgive me.

[sighs & wipes a streaming tear]

I'm at home,now..bored out of my wits..I came home to Tootie pouncing all over the place. Bringing his toys into my lap..as I sit on my hardwood floor,writing a "rough draft" of this blog,in my notebook.. The house empty. Quiet. I rest my head on the footboard of my sleighbed and let the tears fall. Why am I crying? Good question. I'm not entirely sad...I mean,I spent my day laughing most of the time,my great aunt Helen,Mary & my Grandmother were there and when we're all together it's always a joyous time,because Aunt Helen cracks me up..she has me dying laughing all the time! Side splitting and all..she asks me,"J.,have you ever seen me without my teeth?" I laugh and say,"No,why?" She says,"I'm wondering,if that's why you're staring in my face like that!" Hilarious. She's a tough ol' lady..literally.

--->But,anyway..today is one of those days where I would've loved to come home and opened the door to see a BBC wearing somebody seated on the floor playing the X-box or PS2 on our flat screen..I'm acknowledged with a great big grin..he pauses it and walks over to me and kisses me. A passionate "welcome home" kiss. His colorful kicks beside the couch..his cap on the bar in the kitchen. I walk into my bedroom to get comfy and walk back to the living and sit between his legs,as he gets deeper and deeper into this game and I express my anguish..he notices my discomfort and he holds me close,inhaling his Marc Jacobs fragrance alleviates me..

I'm getting carried away with this..
lol..this shit is getting mad strong.


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